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The Master of Science in Technology Management (MSTM) degree is designed to provide the knowledge and skills required to manage successfully in today's complex, technology-oriented organizations. The MSTM is unique in emphasizing the technology tools for management and maintenance of enterprise business environment, and provides the organizational and analytical skills required for managing change in technological arenas. This degree provides a broad intellectual base upon which a modern manager can continue to build competencies over the long-term of a career and through the continuing rapid progress in technologies relevant to business and public organizations coupled with a rich foundation of academic research.
Requirements Degree Requirements
(12 courses, 54 quarter units)
To receive a Master of Science in Technology Management, students must complete at least 54 quarter units of graduate coursework. A total of 13.5 quarter units of graduate credit may be granted for equivalent work completed at another institution, as it applies to this degree and provided the units were not used in earning another advanced degree. Refer to the section on graduate admission requirements for specific information regarding application and matriculation.
Program Requirements
(11 courses, 49.5 quarter units)
CIS 601 Information Systems, Strategies, Policies and Ethics
TMG 601 Data-Mining Tools: Managing Technology for Competitive Advantage
TMG 603 Information Security Risk Analysis
TMG 604 Competitive Intelligence Techniques and Methodologies
TMG 620 Principles of Technology Management
TMG 625 Systems Analysis and Design
TMG 635 Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation
TMG 655 Management of R&D and Innovation Processes
TMG 640 Managing Technological Change
MNS 601 Statistics for Business
TMG 650 Master's Research Project*
(Prerequisite: MNS 601 and 27 quarter units of core requirements)
(1 course, 4.5 quarter units)
One 600-level course taken from TMG, ELB, CIS, HRM, MGT, FIN, ACC, LED, or MKT
*This is a two-month, one meeting per week course with a significant research component. Grading is by "H" (for Honors, "B" or better work), "S" (for marginal, "C" level work), or "U" (unsatisfactory, "D" or below). Students are required to complete MNS 601 in addition to at least 27-quarter units of the program required courses before beginning TMG 650.