Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Extreme Competition: Supertition

It is painfully obvious that America is facing what I call extreme competition from India, China, Japan, Europe and others but now seems frustrated by its success in disseminating these values. For decades the US has been preaching democracy, free markets, capitalism, and openness. The world seems to have heard and adopted many of these values which are good things but we cannot rest on our laurels anymore and we have to stop complaining. We have to move, move smart and move fast in order to maintain a competitive edge in this world of supertition. (I coined a word from super competition) As stated in a previous post entitled innovative edge, I believe that the faster we educate or re-educate our people the better our prospects become. Readily apparent you say but I say take a different look.

Just today I read a blog that promotes all the anti-Wal-Mart propaganda out there and not a day goes by that I don’t hear some complaint about Bill and Steve’s money machine taking over the world or some such nonsense. We complain about the high cost of gas while vilifying a one-stop-cheap-shop where you can get almost anything you want at extremely cheap prices.

Part of the education process I am referring to is a revised mindset that relishes super efficient companies like Wal-Mart and Microsoft while realizing they are a huge benefit for all of us living in the US. They are leaders in Supertition and we should learn from them and adopt more of their methods.

I bet Bill and Steve both know that someday, someone will replace them as the top money makers. Let’s hope it’s someone from a US company and not…well you get the message!