Thursday, December 01, 2005

innovative edge continued

As stated in a previous post, I believe that the citizens of the US had better wake up if we want to keep what is left of an innovative edge because billions of people who have not grown up with luxuries we take for granted might pass us up otherwise. I also stated that my belief in education, especially in science, math, and engineering, is one of the main drivers of innovation and what motivates me to write this blog.

For the most part this blog is centered on the School of Engineering and Technology at National University. Now, I think everyone would agree that getting a degree from National University does not carry the same prestige as one from Stanford or MIT, however, National serves a very important function in that it focuses on working adults and the last time I checked working adults make up our economy. I will point out that both Stanford and National are accredited by WASC so even though National does not have the same prestige, a degree from National represents the same amount of work as one from Stanford.

In any event, the point is that our society must maintain on-going education programs and National’s School of Engineering and Technology is a great solution for many. Advances across every discipline occur so fast these days that it becomes necessary to re-educate ourselves on a continuing basis. The question is, ‘are we up for it?’