Thursday, September 22, 2005

Motorola -- Ed Zander, Chairman & CEO

This morning we had the pleasure of having breakfast with Ed Zander, Chairman and CEO of Motorola, courtesy of the San Diego Telecom Council. Mr. Zander was quite entertaining and insightful as he described significant changes taking place at Motorola, including refocusing on one of the company’s strong points, innovation. Since Ed took the helm at Motorola they have completely reorganized and delivered some of the biggest hits in the mobile device market, namely the Razr phone (which now comes in pink). I guess my daughter will have to trade in her silver Razr. I personally like the new MotoQ and am on the list when it is introduced in the US. After the talk I told Ed that I hoped he would concentrate on quality. In my mind Motorola has taken the lead in innovation in the past only to let it slip through their fingers by offering poor quality. I hope Ed will fix the issue once and for all.

Dr. Evans, Dean of the School of Engineering and Technology was present, as well as, Dr. Ron Norman. Dr. Carol Sledge and Carter Jones from Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute attended as our guests. SOET and Dr. Evans are Spectrum Sponsors of the San Diego Telecom Council.